Juka's Organic Co.

Juka's Organic Co.

By Juka's Organic Co. on 2016-10-07

How do you release your stress? 1.Gym & Exercise 2.Yoga & Mediation 3.Talk To Friends, Love Ones Or Write 4.Eat Your Heart Our 4.Do Nothing 5.Party Life Away 6.Shop Until You Drop If your answer is 1,2 & 3, you are on the right part. If your answer is 1 & 2, we hope to learn from you. When your stress level is high whether from work, family, business, finance, or just the fast moving parts of life, try to snatch yourself away to take care of “you” first. If you realize all the problems listed, are external forces but...

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Juka's Organic Co.

By Juka's Organic Co. on 2016-10-04

Take the time to nurture your talent. This is a natural gift from the higher power that is unique to every individual. There is something about you that only you can be. Find it and nurture it so it can blossom to its fullest potential. Don’t settle for anything less, you are special and talented in your own ways but first welcome your unique abilities and gifts then you can nurture them. Remember, your purpose in this life is to find your purpose but once found, you must nurture and embrace it.#Destiny to #manifest #Motivation #healthy #lifestyle #women #empower #businesswomen...

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Juka's Organic Co.

By Juka's Organic Co. on 2016-10-04

#Redpalmoil just like #CoconutOil is a #healing #oil that must be consumed by everyone that is #health #conscious and #loves to try other alternative oils to coconut, almond or even avocado oil. One of the benefits that red palm fruit oil has over all other oils is the amount of natural antioxidant it offers. This oil is very high in carotenoid and by far the highest you can find in any other fruit from mother nature. Naturally filled with, Vitamin E and A Judging just by the color, not orange but a very deep red that can stain everything more...

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Juka's Organic Co.

By Juka's Organic Co. on 2016-10-04

Take the time to nurture your talent. This is a natural gift from the higher power that is unique to every individual. There is something about you that only you can be. Find it and nurture it so it can blossom to its fullest potential. Don’t settle for anything less, you are special and talented in your own ways but first welcome your unique abilities and gifts then you can nurture them. Remember, your purpose in this life is to find your purpose but once found, you must nurture and embrace it.#Destiny to #manifest #Motivation #healthy #lifestyle #women #empower #businesswomen...

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