Juka's Organic Co. — redpalmoil

By Juka's Organic Co. on 2017-11-29

A blessed Wednesday to you dears! Take care alwaysDon’t undo the progress you made last week; make good choices every time. The only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday. Get the challenge of staying healthy to yourself before making another unhealthy choice. As you make your favorite recipes into healthier versions, remember that it’s progress, not perfection that counts. Even making only one change to a recipe is a step in the right direction. Keep in mind, when your body is hungry; it craves nutrients and not calories. To make it all easy...

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2017-11-24

Be undeniably fabulous on this FridayWinners are not people who never fail but people who never quit. Good food choices are good investments. Don’t listen to your inner fatty and stay on your healthy eating regimen. Your body hears everything that your mind says. The right diet can do wonders to reduce stress’s impact on your life. When you eat whole and real foods, you restore balance for hormones in your body. The distance between your healthy living dreams and reality is called action. So, stop thinking; start doing. Working out and eating clean always feels good compared to being...

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2017-11-16

Health is not about the weight you lose, it’s about the life you gain. The answer is not another fad diet; the answer is more raw fruits and veggies. Skip the diet and just eat healthy. Adding a spoon full of Juka’s healthiest and purest red palm oil gourmet sauce with your veggies can create an amazing and delicious food recipe that you can’t wait to fill your stomach with. Still not satisfied? Get a jar and self-discover the taste.Shop a jar & introduce your taste buds with Juka’s red palm oil gourmet sauce here: https://goo.gl/6bwf8K

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By Juka's Organic Co. on 2017-11-10

Make today AWESOME, because it’s Friday!!! You change nothing and nothing will change for you. Devote your every single day to love yourself more. Adopt positive thinking, better habits and clean eating. Someone wise said you can’t control everything in your life, but you can control what put in your body. Remember, just like one bad meal won’t make you fat or one good meal won’t make you healthy either. STOP letting your food to be your BOSS. Make a fresh start and fuel your body with the healthiest nutrients. Eating well is a form of self respect. Quitting bad...

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